Historical Society of Stillwater Township

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The Historical Society of Stillwater Township

Elsie Roof

Elsie Eliassen was born in Stavanger, Norway, and grew up in Bay Ridge in Brooklyn. Her family spent summers in Stillwater where she met her future husband, Augustus “Gus” Roof, when she was 19. On their first date, Gus took her to a roller skating rink in Newton and they hit it off. They were married in 1942. As newlyweds in town, Gus and Elsie would cut rental costs by serving as caretakers in homes like White Hall Manor when the owners were away. Gus was a master carpenter and was skilled at handling all kinds of repairs. They eventually moved into their own home and raised two sons, Leon and George.

Elsie settled into country life, became a wonderful homemaker and mother and helped with many farm chores. Over time she grew into one of the most dynamic members of the Stillwater community. She volunteered her time in every way possible, even taking over at the counter of Garris’ Store if friends needed help.

She was the town Welfare Officer, served on the Stillwater School Board for 20 years and actively volunteered at the Presbyterian Church throughout her life. A moving force behind the creation of the “Library Ladies” group at the Stillwater Academy in 1954, she then became a founding member of the Historical Society when the Academy transformed into a museum of local artifacts in 1977.