Casper Shafer's Family in America

The three links below give you access to all of the genealogy information in our database. If, for example, you have looked at "Descendants" and want to look-up "Surnames", just click "back" on your browser, or whatever you must do on your browser to go back, and then make your second selection.
Please be aware that many of these records have not been verified. Please use this data with caution. If you find any errors, please notify me so that the record can be immediately corrected.

Table of Contents

Prepared by:

Arnold B. Shafer
154 Salem Road,
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Tel: (717) 264-8160

Send e-mail to:

The genealogical information contained on this page of the web site was produced 10 Ocotober 2007 by

Personal Ancestral File
a product of

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints